Published Jul 6, 2020
New York ATH Moussa Kane set to transfer, reclassify to 2023 class
Alex Gleitman

Moments ago, defensive back Moussa Kane announced his decision to transfer from Christ The King to Blair Academy and reclassify from the 2022 class to the 2023 class.

The move should pay off in a big way for the 6-foot-1, 175-pounder, as he was young for his grade and didn’t have much of a chance to showcase his skill set to college coaches this summer due to COVID-19, not to mention the other benefits a program like Blair offers.

“I felt that Blair was the best fit for me academically and athletically,” Kane, who will play defensive back, wide receiver, and possibly some wing back, told The Knight Report. “I’m also now in a much safer environment."



“I’m looking forward to the accessibility I’ll have with the weight room and the field being just a short walk away. I’m also looking forward to the connections I’ll be able make going to a high school that is of such high caliber.”

Kane’s older brother, Sanoussi, made a similar move from Cardinal Hayes to Blair a few years back and it paid off, as the former Bucs defensive back is now heading into his season as a freshman at Purdue. That didn’t play a huge role in this decision, like you’d think, though.

“My brother didn't want to pressure me,” the younger Kane explained. “He left the decision to me and gave me all the pros and cons so I could figure out what would be best for me.”

Moving into the 2023 class should certainly give Kane’s recruitment a boost. The talented student athlete already has been hearing from some schools, but his long term trajectory as a prospect coupled with him getting an extra cycle should make him one of the top recruited players in the area.

“I’ve talked to a few coaches,” Kane shared. “Purdue, obviously. Rutgers, Maryland, Stony Brook, Princeton, and a few others as well. I hope to hear from LSU and Ohio State in the future because those two programs are DBU right now.”

Finally, when it comes to the Scarlet Knights, Kane shared his standing with and thoughts on the program.

“I believe I will get offered from them in the foreseeable future,” he said. “Then being so close to home puts them high on my list to start. But then you add in the new coaching staff and I think they can be a top 25 team in no time.”